Archéologie de l'avenir | Tulevaisuuden argeologia

Villa Karo 10 v. Exhibition @ Taidehalli Helsinki 19.6.2010 - 11.8.2010. Multiple artist (50) who had visited Villa Karo Villa Karo, the Finnish-African Cultural Centre in Grand-Popo ( with in 10 years. Archéologie de l'avenir installation presented the work of Ore.e Ref. with detailed in Finnish, France and English.

The case where the items are mounted is a "landscape painting - case" build in England.
The plate used make the print above is presented in next to "Ore.e Ref. Business Cards" and a hand-made legba.
The Plate. The name of the print was changed during this exhibition to "The bread icon drawn without the touch of hand".

Last updated: 11/5/10