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Short in English Paluu >Akaa Gymnasium rector Tuovi Ronkainen commissioned an artwork from Ore.e Ref. 2012. According to the commission the artwork was to be constructed by rearranging school memorabilia (e.g. a plaster bust of J.V Snellman and portraits of past rectors). The items where arranged into pairs which comment each other. The artwork interpenetrates local history and challenges the educational system is facing.The Gymnasium shares it's spaces with the co-educations school of Toijala (founded 1906). The current school building (Completed 1971) underwent drastic renovations 2011-2012 and to free space Ronkainen organized a sale to get rid of old teaching equipment. Profit from the sale was used to commission the artwork. The multipart artwork Seli-seli seppele (En. Bla-bla Wreath) is installed in the main staircase of the school and was revealed 13.8.2013. The production of the artwork intertwined with school activities through the year (2012-13). The process was overseen by Ronkainen and co-educations school rector Jukka Oksa. The artists attended arbitrary school classes, staff meetings and school festivities in order to harvest knowledge concerning the institution. The production of the artwork was a result of phenomenographic analysis of the site. The development of the artwork was public on the project blog (In Finnish but with pictures). A central piece of the installation is a modified bust of Snellman manufactured from concrete by Topi Äikäs. The assignment documents for Äikäs are available online. Snellman's top of the head was left hollow so that it'll serve as a flowerpot. A Crassula Ovata is planted into the spot. You can find the school building in Toijala Kurisjärventie 18. 37800 Toijala. (~1km southwest from the train station). Before visiting book an appointment with school staff. ![]() Flowerpot-Snellman before installation. Log05032014 Lisäsin Äikäksen betonivalu tilausasiakirjan linkin.23082013 Korjasin kirjoitus- ja muotoilu virheitä .pdfstä (Awstat näyttää opukselle 45 latausta). 19082013 Videot youtubessa, viimeisin .pdf kaikkine paikallislehtiartikkeleineen paikallaan. 12082013 Omistajan huolto opas muuttui "Omistajan käsikirjaksi". Verkkosivut uudistetiin huomista varten. 09082013 Omistajan huolto opas.pdf tekstejä valmistellaan. 06082013 Kuvitus kohdillaan. Lehdistötiedotteet toimitetaan (Awstats näyttää 138 osumaa koko sivulle). 04082013 Verkkosivut uusitaan palautteen pohjalta. Kuvitus puuttuu. 18072013 Verkkosivut ( avautuvat asianomaisten tarkasteltaviksi. Ore.e Refineries is a small
company advocating sustainable design.